寻找项目? Explore our degrees & programs.
寻找一个人? Use the employee directory.
需要问我们一个问题? 直接mg电子试玩app.
Help Center
为学生提供的技术支持可通过 mg电子试玩app帮助中心,或提交门票到 mg电子试玩app服务台. If you cannot access the ticketing system, you may submit a request by phone at 651.846.1440 or email helpdesk@adapstar.com. 我们强烈建议提交机票,以获得最好的服务.
我们帮助学生的一些项目包括登录, 协助StarID, D2L Brightspace, Zoom和Office 365. The IT Help Desk cannot perform troubleshooting or repair personally owned devices.
The Minnesota State IT Service Desk team is also available to students until midnight Monday – Thursday. 方法提交服务票证 IT服务台门户,或致电877.466.6728 or email servicedesk@minnstate.edu.
请参考明尼苏达州立大学 Board Policy 5.22 and Board Policy 5.22.1 有关电脑及资讯科技资源的合理使用.
mg电子试玩app使用Office 365来处理学生的电子邮件. Office 365 provides email, online storage (OneDrive), and the Microsoft Office suite.
mg电子试玩app使用Office 365来处理学生的电子邮件. Office 365 provides email, online storage (OneDrive), and the Microsoft Office suite.
- 登录电子邮件
- Go to “portal.office.com”.
- Username = starid@go.minnstate.edu
- Password =您当前的StarID密码
- Reset my Password
- If you need to reset or have forgotten your StarID password, you will need to visit to the StarID自助服务网站.
- 帮助使用Office 365
- Visit the 微软办公软件培训中心
- E-mail on my Phone
- The Office 365帮助网站 提供指导和向导,帮助您发送电子邮件到您的手机. 使用“手机设置向导”. 您需要的其他信息:
- Domain/Username = starid@go.minnstate.edu (*如果DOMAIN和USERNAME是单独的字段, 将DOMAIN留空,并在USERNAME字段中输入信息)
- Password =您的StarID密码
- 服务器名称= outlook.office365.Com(有时使用bluprd0210.outlook.com works instead)
D2L Brightspace是学院的在线学习管理系统(简称LMS)。. 它用于访问在线课程. In addition, face-to-face courses may also have assignments and other materials posted online.
- 登录D2L Brightspace:转到 http://saintpaul.learn.minnstate.edu
- 使用您的StarID用户名和密码.
Current Saint Paul College students may take advantage of the following discounts on computer hardware and software.
免费:Microsoft Office软件(Office ProPlus)
Office 365 ProPlus是一款免费的完整版微软Office套件. 所有mg电子试玩app的在校生都可以参加. 学生毕业或离开学院后,此免费许可证将失效. 届时需要购买消费者许可证.
Follow the appropriate instructions listed below to download and install your FREE Microsoft Office software:
Visit the Dell website listed below to take advantage of discounts on select Dell computers:
URL: dell.com/dellu/saintpaul
成员ID: US6966104
学生可以使用chromebook, 热点(移动互联网接入), 和ipad通过信息技术(IT)在1470房间. 你必须有一个当前的照片身份证(i.e. SPC学生证或有效驾照), 目前正在注册课程, 并有一个可用的id和密码. 设备结帐不收费, but the student is responsible for returning the equipment in good working order by the due date. 对于任何丢失的设备, damaged, or stolen, 用户将被收取所有更换费用, 外加不可退还的15美元.00美元的处理费,不超过1000美元
Office 365学生电子邮件提供Microsoft Teams, 它为学生提供了一个强大的协作平台. 团队结合聊天, document sharing, video calling, 还有屏幕共享的在线会议, along with full integration of Office 365 applications for a seamless teamwork environment.
- Accessing Teams:
- Login to your Office 365学生电子邮件 帐户,然后单击Teams图标.
- 您可以在这里了解Teams的功能
- 微软团队支持页面
- 微软团队视频培训
Office 365学生电子邮件提供OneDrive服务, which provides students with 1 TB (terabyte) of FREE online storage space for their files. 你可以上传包括Word在内的各种文档, Excel, PowerPoint, PDFs, music, 照片-几乎任何你想要的文件.
- Accessing OneDrive
- Login to your Office 365学生电子邮件 帐户访问你的OneDrive.
- 如何使用OneDrive
- 更多的提示和帮助可通过访问微软 OneDrive Support website.
开放计算机实验室位于3225室. 它是开放给目前mg电子试玩app的学生.
该实验室提供带有USB闪存驱动器的Windows和Macintosh操作系统计算机, 光驱(CD-RW/DVD), 音频功能(用户必须提供自己的耳机或耳塞). 该实验室还提供黑白、彩色打印、复印和扫描电子邮件.
Windows pc上的标准软件
- Microsoft Office套件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Access、OneNote、Publisher)
- Adobe Reader
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- 响应锁定浏览器
- VLC Media Player
Specialty Software on select Windows PCs (check with a lab assistant for more details):
- Alphacam
- ArcGis
- AutoCAD
- MasterCAM
- Notepad ++
- QuickBooks
- Radan
- Solidworks
Out of respect for all students, please follow these rules when using open computer lab spaces:
- 开放计算机实验室是一个安静的个人学习空间. 请不要发出过多的噪音.
- 不允许小组学习. Group study is available in the Library Commons and designated rooms inside the Library.
- 不允许携带食物和饮料.
- Cell phone use is prohibited, and phones should be either turned off or set to vibrate/silent.
- 儿童不得入内.
学生可以在校园里打印. 一张黑白单面照片的价格为0美元.02. 使用PaperCut跟踪系统跟踪打印输出并向学生收费.
- 学生打印地点
- 学生打印可在开放计算机实验室(3225室)使用。, the student Commons area (across from the library and cafeteria) and in the campus library.
- 印刷津贴和退款
- Printing allowances are given to current semester-enrolled Saint Paul College students only.
- Current students are given PaperCut “purse” printing accounts that contain a select amount of funds in the purse at the start of each semester. 这个金额可能会有变动.
- 打印余额每学期被擦除和恢复. 节省你的印刷津贴.
- 用户打印错误不予退款. 在发送和释放打印之前,彻底预览打印作业.
- 补印账目
- 如果钱包里所有的钱都用光了, money may be added either by using cash on the “Add Value Station” located in the Learning Commons or via payment at the tuition office window on the first floor.
- How to print
- 用你的StarID和密码登录电脑.
- 将打印作业发送到打印机.
- 移动打印(个人设备)
- BYOD Printing (来自个人设备,Chromebook除外)
- 安装一个好的端点保护程序, 定期更新,经常扫描. Endpoint protection software protects at a higher level than a standard anti-virus program.
- 使用强而安全的密码. 大多数系统要求您输入密码. 目的是防止其他人冒充您或访问您的数据. 使用强密码, 确保你的密码安全,不要写下来或与他人分享.
- 使用屏幕保护程序密码和系统密码 whenever possible. Lock the screen to protect your computer when you step away, even for a few minutes.
- 更新操作系统. Use your operating system’s automatic-update features to keep your system protected.
- 不要打开电子邮件附件或点击电子邮件的超链接 除非你期待某个特定的寄件人寄来. 电子邮件的标题可以更改或模拟, 所以即使你认为信是朋友寄来的, don’t click on or open the attachment until you verify that the sender actually sent it.
- Don’t download software or files from the Internet of unknown origin and/or unknown security. Some software, 包括屏幕保护程序, can include features that make your computer vulnerable or allow access to your personal data without your knowledge or permission. 要检查这类软件,请下载并运行间谍软件/广告软件检查程序.
- 不要让任何人都用你的电脑. 你要对你电脑的使用负责. 不要让陌生人轻易接触到.
- 定期备份数据. 你应该经常备份你在电脑上做的所有工作. Data saved on your computer’s hard drive can easily be lost if the hard drive fails. 尽可能使用云存储.
- 关掉电脑 当你几个小时不用的时候. 连接到网络的无人值守的计算机容易受到黑客的攻击. 关掉电脑也可以节省能源.
- 在共享或打印数据之前,请三思而后行. Incidents have occurred in which data has been transferred inadvertently to non-secure sites and made public.
StarID 明尼苏达州的通用登录ID是什么. 在你注册mg电子试玩app的课程之前,你会被分配一个StarID. 这是一个2个字母、4个数字、2个字母的标识符(例如,ab1234cd). You will use this login to access all campus-related technology and services (excluding the CAPS jobs program).
永远不要与任何人分享您的登录信息. 只有你可以使用你的登录名访问校园技术.
- 重置StarID密码
- 访问明尼苏达州StarID自助服务页面 http://starid.minnstate.edu/ 重置您的StarID密码和管理您的帐户.
- StarID对TechID
- Tech ID (also known as your student ID number) is your unique student identifier at Saint Paul College. 这个号码是在你申请学院时分配给你的, 并且是你学生记录中永久的一部分. You may be asked to supply this number when staff are attempting to look up your student record.
- StarID是通用登录用户名. 您将使用StarID登录各种校园技术系统. 你只需要激活一次StarID(在任何明尼苏达州立大学校园). After activation, your StarID account will follow you to any Minnesota State campus.
Saint Paul College offers 学生技术导向 for both new and current students, 哪些提供了使用校园科技的重要信息. 这些一小时的课程都是实践性的, allowing students to log in to campus computers and follow along with the instructor. 还提供印刷材料.
- 登录校园电脑
- 访问和使用学生电子邮件
- wireless access
- 使用eServices(注册、课程安排、成绩等).)
- printing
- 开放计算机实验室信息
- 数码保安最佳实务
- D2L Brightspace在线学习系统
- Tutor.com is an online tutoring service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 361 days a year. 学生最多可获得15小时的点播课程, individual instruction and support from expert online tutors in a wide variety of disciplines.
- Saint Paul College students may access this service at any time by first logging into the D2L Brightspace在线学习系统, 然后选择“导师”.Com”从右窗格.
2017年9月开始, all Saint Paul College students and employees will connect personal devices to the campus wireless using “eduroam”.
Please note, eduroam may not be compatible with older devices and operating systems. Make sure your device is up to date with the latest operating system and system updates/patches.
What is eduroam?
“eduroam” is a wireless service that allows Minnesota State students and employees to use their StarID credentials to access Wi-Fi when visiting participating institutions. Visitors from other eduroam-participating colleges and universities can access Wi-Fi at participating Minnesota State colleges and universities using the usernames and passwords from their home institutions. 有关参与院校的名单,请浏览eduroam网站: www.eduroam.美国/ institutions_list